RingStix strives to capture the spirit of play and creativity innate to all of us. They want to see people of all age’s young and old interacting and having fun together. They provide a high quality and extremely fun product, to further this goal.
I first saw RingStix while on vacation in a famous adventure sports type store. I knew we had to try them. I wasn’t sure how hard they would be to use but their design is simple and the concept easy to grasp. There are several different sets of RingStix’ – RingStix Lite, RingStix Standard and RingStix Pro. Their product is so amazing they have already won so many awards.
Below you can see the kids playing with the RingStix. I also played for a really long time and we had so much fun. I can tell you that the kids kept holding the stix backwards but they still worked just fine. I was wondering if the younger kids would get the hang of it but they totally figured it out. They had a tough time sharing the two stix so I will probably pick up another set so at least four of the five can play at the same time. Check out how much fun they are having!
Anthony had come from the beach and riding his bike – he didn’t even take the time to remove his helmet before jumping in…
The children range in age from 5 through 13 – as you can see – they are totally focused!
Check out RingStix in action…
We have the RingStix Pro set and I was wondering if they would be too heavy for the little ones but they definitely were not. They didn’t get slowed down even a little.
Each RingStix Pro game contains a full set for two players:
4 Stix with red Over-molded grips for extra comfort.
1 Red Ring
1 Glow-in-the-Dark Ring
1 Carry Bag
The kids all kept comparing it to playing frisbee – the ring can easily glide through the air just like a frisbee would and with a great deal less effort. But they feel like they are also playing a ring toss game actively by trying to catch the rings on their Stix.
The RingStix Lite retails for $14.99; the Standard for $19.99 and the Pro for $29.99!
Get in the action with the latest summer fun and order your own set of RingStix.
Connect with RingStix on Facebook / Twitter / YouTube
And GREAT NEWS!!! You can win your own RingStix Pro outdoor game by entering the Giveaway Tool below. Must be 18 or older to win.
I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. I only recommend products or services I use personally and/or I believe would be helpful for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own. Your experience with the product(s) or service(s) may differ from mine.
@stuffofsuccess RingStix – The Best Game for Summer Fun – Review and #Giveaway http://t.co/CM7hYwUfMF #productreview
RingStix – The Best Game for Summer Fun – Review and Giveaway http://t.co/ZTiBVkfpfp
#Enter to #Win this awesome outdoor fun game – RingStix Pro Exp 08/03 http://t.co/xzwuwYayt5
#Enter to #Win this awesome outdoor fun game – RingStix Pro Exp 08/03 http://t.co/nICvsQByR8
#Enter to #Win this awesome outdoor fun game – RingStix Pro Exp 08/03 http://t.co/D0tymzDVgs
RingStix – The Best Game for Summer Fun – Review and Giveaway http://t.co/Gii1r2eI75 via @Stuffofsuccess
RT @messagebubble: RingStix – The Best Game for Summer Fun – Review and Giveaway http://t.co/Gii1r2eI75 via @Stuffofsuccess
#RingStix new Review and Giveaway – Thank you Athena! http://t.co/ulyQAQc6FA
RT @RingStix: #RingStix new Review and Giveaway – Thank you Athena! http://t.co/ulyQAQc6FA
You can win a RingStix Pro set, please enter here: http://t.co/ulyQAQc6FA
RT @RingStix: #RingStix new Review and Giveaway – Thank you Athena! http://t.co/ulyQAQc6FA
#Enter to #Win your own set of RingStix Pro – Outdoor Fun #giveaway http://t.co/ZTiBVkfpfp Exp 8/3
#Enter to #Win your own set of RingStix Pro – Outdoor Fun #giveaway http://t.co/RuOPHT6mhW Exp 8/3
#Enter to #Win your own set of RingStix Pro – Outdoor Fun #giveaway http://t.co/evbSoHeTRo Exp 8/3
#Enter to #Win your own set of RingStix Pro – Outdoor Fun #giveaway http://t.co/k7VV1oFBZi Exp 8/3
#Enter to #Win your own set of RingStix Pro – Outdoor Fun #giveaway http://t.co/RuOPHT6mhW
#Enter to #Win your own set of RingStix Pro – Outdoor Fun #giveaway http://t.co/ZTiBVkfpfp
#Enter to #Win your own set of RingStix Pro – Outdoor Fun #giveaway http://t.co/k7VV1oFBZi
#Enter to #Win your own set of RingStix Pro – Outdoor Fun #giveaway http://t.co/evbSoHeTRo
RT @PayMe2BlogAbout: #Enter to #Win your own set of RingStix Pro – Outdoor Fun #giveaway http://t.co/k7VV1oFBZi
RT @MommaOnADiet: #Enter to #Win your own set of RingStix Pro – Outdoor Fun #giveaway http://t.co/RuOPHT6mhW
RT @MommaMediaNetwo: #Enter to #Win your own set of RingStix Pro – Outdoor Fun #giveaway http://t.co/evbSoHeTRo
RT @Stuffofsuccess: #Enter to #Win your own set of RingStix Pro – Outdoor Fun #giveaway http://t.co/ZTiBVkfpfp
#Enter to #Win this awesome outdoor fun game – RingStix Pro Exp 08/03 http://t.co/ZXTAvrE8KR
I would like to thank you all for your support, you guys are awesome!
It was a big pleasure to be part of this review and giveaway contest and I would like to thank Athena for her great work!
We, from System Enterprises are wishing you playful and happy times – never forget, playtime is fun-time!
Thank you so much – it is a really fun game and you have been great to work with. Enjoy the rest of the summer.