Ball Can It Forward Prize Pack Giveaway


Hosted by: Queen of Savings, Here we go again, ready?, Intelligent Domestications & The Minister’s Wife Stamps & Saves

Sponsor: Ball Home Canning

Prizes: Ball Canning Discovery Kit & 2 Cases of Ball Limited Edition Spring Green Heritage Collection Jars

Dates: 8/16-8/30

Open to: US Residents 18+

Enter to win using the Giveaway Tools Widget below. Good luck!


Disclaimer: I have not received product or payment for this post. This post is a group giveaway post and the prize is the responsibility of the host blog.

11 thoughts on “Ball Can It Forward Prize Pack Giveaway

  1. Robin Coxon says:

    Canning is a wonderful way to carry the flavors of summer into the winter. I enjoy the taste of pickles, especially bread and butter. Also my family enjoys salsa made from the tomatoes of summer.

  2. Jeani B says:

    a friend of mine was teaching me to can last month. it was the first time i had canned anything other than freezer jam or crockpot apple butter. i want to can everything! 🙂

  3. Renee Townes says:

    I’ve never done any canning, but bought my first book 2 weeks ago to begin reading up on the subject…and it was a Ball book. I’m going to use the winter months here in Virginia to read and study about canning. By the time spring and summer comes around maybe I’ll be comfortable enough to try my hand at it since I do have a garden that produces more than enough for my family and friends!

  4. Lauryn R says:

    No, I have never canned before but have always wanted to try it. I had a friend whose grandma canned and everything she made was SO good!

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