Look At Our Girl Today – No Longer At Death’s Door

Look At Our Girl Today – No Longer At Death’s Door


A while back I did a post about our English Mastiff and how saying goodbye to her is literally the hardest thing we were ever going to have to do.  The vet felt there was nothing we could do.  She was deteriorating quickly and was only 4.  We have had many dogs in our married life and many walked over that rainbow bridge.  But something about the thought of losing Chewbacca was just so emotionally overwhelming and unbearable.

But when she was at the very end we had a breakthrough.  It turned out she had Addisons disease and was having an adrenal crisis.  She definitely would have died but once we found that out she was able to be treated she has made a steady recovery.  Treatment is expensive and brings with it significant side effects.  But she is happy and alive.  It just means alot more work and alot more money for us.

I bring you are happy, healthier girl who is not going anywhere any time in the near future.

chew 1

I know she looks sad but she is actually quite thrilled (just got home from Maine so there are piles in the background – sorry).


chew 2

I am trying to get her to snuggle but she is so definitely not a snuggle bunny.  She wants us to pet her nonstop but all those photos of English Mastiff’s laying on the couch with their family – so definitely not her no matter how hard we try.


chew 3


When Bill and I went in the house she started crying and wanted to come in the house with us.  So gladly I obliged.  But after five minutes in the house with Bill and I she started crying (look at my poor girls eyes – you would think she lost her best friend) because she wanted to be with Xena and the kids outside playing.  Naturally I brought her back outside.

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2 thoughts on “Look At Our Girl Today – No Longer At Death’s Door

  1. barb stenby says:

    I am so glad for you! She is a beauty. I was so sad when you posted that. Good luck with everything and Congrats! Give her a big hug for me.

    • Athena says:

      Thank you so much Barb. We give her tons of hugs – far more than she wants I am sure so I will be happy to pass one on from you.

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