@MACEBrand #MaceBrandMoms #ad Protecting Myself and Family With Mace Brand Throughout the Holiday Season

This is part of a sponsored collaboration with MACE and Crossroads Media Hub. However, all opinions expressed are my own.


Protecting Myself and Family With Mace Brand Throughout the Holiday SeasonIsn’t this holiday season hectic?  I find that at this time of year I am often out and about at hours unlike the rest of the year.  I could be lying in bed and all of a sudden remember that special gift I need to purchase at a certain store.  Any other time of year I would never venture out – but now, time is running out.  It makes my husband extremely nervous when that happens and I go out by myself.  The kids are sleeping though so he cannot just pick up and come with me – he has to stay home.  I am sure to take my Mace Brand products with me though!  I must admit I do get a little nervous myself at those odd hours but I do it anyway.

It is also this time of year that it is dark when I head out to work as well as dark before I arrive back at home.  There is no daylight except on the weekends due to my schedule.  Yet another reason to make sure I have Mace Brand products with me.  You never know what type of situation I could find myself and the children in.


mace brand


Mace Brand has been a part of my protection plan for my children and I.  I wish to protect them and if they are not with me – it is important that I am able to come home safely to them. I have always been a fan of Mace Brand products – years ago I worked in several police departments and they were definitely a perfect solution.


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I tell everyone – trust your instincts. You know when something is just not “right”. Trust it! And always act confident – do not look like an easy target. Make them think it is too much work or too much of a risk to bother with you.


This safety kit contained:

Mace Brand Canine Deterrent

mace canine deterrent

Mace Brand Pepper Spray with a safe trainer and a pepper guard

mace pepper spray

Mace Brand Pepper Spray pepper gun

mace pepper gun

Make sure your children know what these products are and what the importance is. You do not want them to think they are toys. They need to fully understand their significance.


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