RockTheLunchbox For A Better Lunch! @Influenster #RockTheLunchbox

Rock The Lunchbox

RockTheLunchbox helps us create a better lunch for our kids!

RockTheLunchbox is a program sponsored by Annie’s, Honest Kids, Applegate and Rudi’s.  Ideas for healthier lunch options for our children – give them the best and encourage better choices.

Right now you can print your own coupons for some of these great products at  The site also has ideas from parents just like us and tips for better lunches using some of these great products.

rudis gluten free bread

Rudi’s has gluten free bread and it is quite delicious.  It is available in multiple flavors and quite yummy.

annies extra cheesy cheddar bunnies

Annie’s makes so many great products for kids and adults.  These are cheesy bunnies but they also sell pizzas, snacks etc… Something for everyone and all of it is delicious.  They pride themselves on having no artifical flavors or colors.  Much better for our children.

honest kids super fruit punch

Honest Kids has organic juice drinks from concentrate with much less sugar than other products on the market.  You don’t need to feel guilty about these drinks for your children.
I received payment or one or more of the products or services mentioned above in exchange for an honest opinion.  I only recommend products or services I use personally and/or I believe would be helpful for my readers.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”  The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own.  Your experience with the product(s) or service(s) may differ from mine.

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