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Doctor on Demand Just Made My Day AGAIN!
I am a wife and mother – only the youngest two children are at home but they have special needs and have many appointments that require me to miss work. Then there are issues at school, dental appointments, commitments etc… And that is just their schedule. For me – I have no time to be sick. I just cannot leave work for a doctor’s appointment when I know I will need my personal and vacation time for their needs. And so often if I were to go to the doctor – it is for a cold, flu, pneumonia, allergies, sinus infection, asthma etc… All pretty run of the mill stuff.
Enter Doctor on Demand…
Find the app on iTunes / Android
Doctor On Demand is a healthcare service that provides Video Visits with board certified physicians, psychologists, and lactation consultants via smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. As a patient you simply download the Doctor On Demand app on a smartphone or tablet or visit www.doctorondemand.com on your desktop computer, provide a list of your symptoms, any medications you are currently taking and you are instantly connected to a provider licensed in your state for a video visit.
Today was my second experience with Doctor on Demand and again I am happy. This time it was for my daughter. We tried to get into our doctor – too full – not on doctor or one physician’s assistant could see her. We then went to the walkin. The line was going to be at least a two hour wait and everyone in the waiting room was hacking up a lung – my daughter only had a rash and sore throat. I didn’t want to leave a doctor’s office with her exposed to every nasty winter virus.
My daughter was quite nervous but after a few minutes she warmed up. The doctor was very knowledgeable, spent time explaining the diagnosis and medication being prescribed and was excellent when speaking to a child.
We did not need to wait in line anywhere, we were not exposed to other contagious illnesses, we did not need to wait for a doctor to come into the examination room or anything. I seriously love this service – no missed work and no missed school!
Coincidentally, I saw Dr. Amy when I tried it the first time and my daughter saw Dr. Amy today.
To try it out simply download the Doctor on Demand app, register (FREE), type in my pharmacy choice, patient’s current list of medications – and connect to a doctor. I was connected with Dr. Amy for a 15 minute appointment – which in both cases was more than long enough. In fact I doubt we get that much time at a physical doctor’s office. The appointment is able to be held as long as you have an internet connection and an applicable device with a camera (such as laptop, ipad, iphone, tablet).
I can tell you without a doubt – I will use this service again (and obviously already have). It saved me time, was efficient, didn’t expose me or my daughter to other germs and allowed me to stay focused on my job.
Doctor On Demand is FREE to register (the app is FREE to download). You can get a discount on your first visit with coupon code: fmbky3sm for readers of The Stuff of Success. You can enter this unique code upon registration, store it in your account, and use it at a later date.
Find the app on iTunes / Android
Sounds like this could be quite a life saving app/service too. We have a drop in clinic nearby but you are so right, by the time you’ve been you have probably caught every one else’s bugs. Will definitely be looking into this thanks xx
This is a great tool to have! I think it would give people peace of mind.
Unfortunately I do not have a device that will allow me to view another person or I might be tempted to try this. It certainly seems to work for you.
Very interesting, I’m glad that you liked it so much! Medical is a big field, lots of money backing this app I’m sure.
This sounds like a really convenient service. I would totally use this if I was stuck in the house for some reason.
Sounds like a fantastic app. There is always such a long line up when you have to go see a doctor on a walk in basis.
Having special needs son’s myself and taking care of my Mom, this would be a great resource for our family.
Sounds like this is great help. Wonderful program.
I love the idea! It would be a great resource for any family especially when missing work is not an option.
I can think of so many times when this would come in ultra handy!
I have a family doctor but think that this service is great. This is a great way to save taking kids out when they are running a fever and sick.