My daughter is 13 years old and very much into fashion. She will not wear sneakers – at least not traditional styles. Mostly she wears boots – any kind of boots. So I was looking for a pair of sneakers that would get her through gym class but also leave her feeling like she isn’t wearing basic sneakers.
These Chunky Platform Sneakers are lace up style but they slip on. Easy to grab and go – kids hate tying shoes nowadays, they are always in a hurry to get somewhere.
These sneakers are available in 5 designs – Black Star, Black Suede, Silver Met, White PU Multi Star, and White PU. Check the sneaker release calender of reputed brand and plan your purchase.. My daughter loves this pair of platform sneakers but she would also love a pair of the Silver Met – definitely going to have to get a pair of those soon.
Of course I am not as fond of them because apparently this lift is just what she needs to be taller than me! She is the last of five kids – I definitely am not looking forward to being shorter than all five of them! These sneakers even have arch support which are perfect for those that have foot problems. The platform is 2 inches – more than enough to make you stand out in a crowd. Handmade from vegan materials with a synthetic sole.
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