The engagement proposal brings with it so much joy and celebration. This kick-starts the inception of marriage. It is an acceptance of a marriage proposal. To many, marriage is seen not only as a physical union between two people but also as both emotional and spiritual union. It is seen as approval by God and man for two people to share their altogether. As a result, engagement is not just a popular tradition but is also a widely celebrated act worth celebrating among people across different countries all around the globe.
Are you looking for the best ways to plan your engagement? If so, you have nothing to worry about. This article will provide good insights into some of the best tips you must know while planning that will help make your engagement a success. With that in mind, you can book an appointment with Kimberfire to get the best Toronto diamond rings at the right price. Now, let’s dive in and see what these recommendations are all about.
5 Tips you must know while planning an engagement
The importance and recognition of engagement have already been established. Yet, it must also be stressed that an engagement party without proper planning, may end up more stressful than it needs to be. As a result, to prevent this from happening, the right planning must be done. Here are few tips that can help you plan your engagement:
Decide who hosts the party?
Usually, tradition has it that the bride’s parents host. However, there is nothing wrong with throwing your own engagement party. In recent times, people have found it easier to have anyone close to the couple assume this responsibility – or for both sets of parents to host it jointly. There are no right or wrong answers here.
When it comes to planning your engagement party, there is never right or wrong about who hosts the event. Furthermore, there is nothing wrong with hosting two different engagement parties if you live in a separate city from your family or you simply wish to host an event more casual for your friends. Arriving at an early decision will make your planning smoother.
Give yourself a breather and set a date
The thought of spending the rest of your life with someone can be so overwhelming, even if positive. Likewise, planning can become too much to take in at once. What you need to do is to breathe, allow yourself some space to think, and set a date. You don’t have to rush. Again, there is no right or wrong date to plan an engagement party. Of course, you must consider the schedule of your host if you intend not to host the event by yourself.
Additionally, before you set a date, you can also think about the availability of your guests during that period. You should also think of how comfortable hosting the event at the said time will be for you.
Determine the budget and spend within it
You may want to do everything you can for your wife-to-be without limits to show your love, and this might lead you into doing more than you can financially. However, you must not fall into this. All you need to do is to prepare a budget and ensure that you stay within the said budget. For instance, there are engagement rings in Toronto available from Kimberfire that you can purchase without paying a luxury premium as you will at some stores.
You don’t plan a detailed budget just for weddings – you do so for any event, however low-key it is. This is because you must have a sense of the realistic spending you have before you. This will also narrow your ideas and get you to make the best decisions. This is especially important for an event as elaborate as an engagement and wedding.
Choose a suitable venue
An engagement party can either be very elaborate or small, depending on your choice. This will determine the kind of venue you use for the event. It also presents you with flexibility in terms of choosing the right venue.
If your party is a low-key one, using your uncle’s – or any other relative’s – backyard is not a bad option. However, for something more formal, a room at a good restaurant is a good choice.
Determine those you wish to invite
In many cases, the people you invite for your engagement will make the guestlist for your wedding. Not everyone you’ve met all your life can attend your engagement party.
However, you need to make a list of those who you wish to invite and send an invitation letter to them. This is an important consideration, you may not want to invite people who may sway the night in a manner that isn’t desirable by you.
Don’t forget the engagement gifts!
Having the perfect engagement goes beyond getting a long list of people to attend the event. The right planning ensures the perfect engagement party. With these tips, you will get your dream engagement party!