10 Tips for Success with the Amazon Influencer Program: How to Get Accepted, Stay in, and Create Winning Videos

amazon influencer program
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Hello there! Today I’d love to provide some key strategies and insights into becoming successful with Amazon Influencer Program. After taking part in the Influencer Program for some time now, I can vouch that this platform provides an amazing way of earning passive income while sharing passions and interests with an audience. So let’s dive right in!

Entering the Amazon Influencer Program 

Gaining entrance to the Amazon Influencer Program should not be difficult. The first step should be establishing yourself on social media with an engaged following on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, or Facebook (among others). The program accepts influencers across these and more!

Once your following has grown, applying to Amazon Influencer Central through your account may be your solution for joining. Amazon will review your application before informing you whether or not they accept you into this program.

Make sure to complete all necessary fields when applying, such as your social media handles and the products you intend to promote. It is also key that your profile reflects professionally your brand/niche and vice versa.


How to Stay in the Program without Being Kicked Out

Once accepted into Amazon’s affiliate program, you must follow its guidelines to remain active without being kicked out. Key aspects include:

Compliance With Amazon Advertising Guidelines: Amazon provides specific rules about how influencers may promote products on its platform, so influencers must abide by them to avoid issues or penalties.

Promoting Only Amazon-Approved Products: Influencers must strictly abide by Amazon’s list of approved products to avoid being kicked out of their program for endorsing potentially inappropriate items.

Provide Value to Your Audience: For success with the Amazon Influencer Program, providing value to your audience is paramount. This involves promoting products they will find beneficial or relevant.

Video Tips

When producing videos for this platform, there are various considerations you need to keep in mind, such as these:

Keep It Straightforward: Amazon customers want simple and direct product information; keeping videos brief will attract their interest more effectively than long and involved ones.

Horizontal Videos Outperform Vertical: Horizontal videos work best on Amazon because they fit their layout; however, vertical videos work great when posted socially.

Solve a problem: Your video should address your audience’s questions or concerns with a specific product by answering their queries or solving their issues regarding the item.

Show Product Results in Action: Ensure to show results such as before/after pictures or how the product works as part of its demonstration of operation.

Clip an Eye-Catchy Image From Your Video as Thumbnail: Your audience’s first glimpse will be through your thumbnail, so be sure it draws their eye. Keep Videos Under Two Minutes on Amazon: Amazon users have short attention spans; keep videos short & sweet to grab their interest quickly.

Getting Started As An Amazon Influencer

Use What You Have: You have thousands of items in your own home. Use what you have. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t purchase it on Amazon as long as it is sold on Amazon.

Sponsored Video Reviews: Sponsored video reviews can be an easy and lucrative way to bolster your income stream. Reach out to brands whose offerings fit within your niche and offer your services as sponsored reviews. 

Amazon Return Pallets: Amazon return pallets offer discounted products which could do great reviews.


Amazon Influencer Program offers influencers an ideal way to generate passive income while promoting products they love. To be accepted into this program, ensure your social media accounts have established themselves well and have a full, detailed profile that stands out.

Once approved, you must follow Amazon’s guidelines to remain within their program without getting kicked out. Add value by providing products they will find valuable or relevant – providing something your audience finds truly worthwhile as you promote products they may find beneficial!

Create videos for the program using simple techniques: show product results and keep videos between one to two minutes long. Review items around your own home; invest in high-ticket products; consider sponsored video reviews as a potential revenue generator; consider Amazon return pallets if finding discounted reviews might help, etc.

By following these tips, the Amazon Influencer Program may become successful for you and provide passive income while sharing your passions and interests with an audience. Best wishes!

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