Nigeria’s Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO): A Complete Guide

A corporation can achieve exceptional heights by managing its workforce and hiring properly. However, finding and attracting brilliant people with the ideal mix of knowledge, experience, commitment, and creativity has never been more difficult. This is exactly when Nigeria’s Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is necessary.

Finding top talent has grown more difficult than ever in Nigeria, notably due to the worrying rise in “professional job seekers”—pseudo-talents whose only real skill is interviewing and landing a job. Professional job applicants are quite skilled at manipulating the interview process. They blow the interviewer away with their interview skills, knowledge of the appropriate responses, and presentation of the organization’s facts.


Regrettably, after hiring them, organizations and their HR specialists don’t realize they’ve been duped until after paying compensation for persistent underperformance for months.  Sadly, most organizations lack protection from experienced job searchers due to flaws in their internal recruitment processes. These organizations and their HR specialists always find this susceptibility’s expense prohibitive.

Fortunately, highly skilled RPO providers have overcome and mastered the difficulty of locating top talent and spotting pseudo-talents. Some notable firms in Nigeria dedicate an entire business division to developing specialized assessment tools that screen for difficult-to-test qualities in job prospects in response to the danger posed by professional job seekers. As a result, a recruitment system that can accurately and swiftly identify false candidates and fast identify top candidates has been developed.

Therefore, RPO (recruitment process outsourcing) becomes the sensible option for ensuring that they acquire high-quality candidates in large numbers when organizations have high-volume employment needs.

The remainder of this guide offers details on the following:

  • RPO’s definition;
  • The advantages of RPOs for organizations;
  • Is your organization a fit candidate for an RPO;
  • How to pick an RPO supplier;

Understanding Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

A talent acquisition method, RPO, involves an organization outsourcing all or a portion of its hiring procedures to an outside firm specializing in procuring talent. Numerous industries rely on outsourcing. In recent years, for instance, the online gaming sector, including operators at the site, heavily depends on outsourcing core and ancillary tasks. It’s incredibly adaptable and scalable as a hiring model. You can also tailor the service thoroughness with an RPO provider built around business needs and available resources, which makes it more affordable than having an internal recruiting staff.

When you work with an RPO, your provider is an extension of your business’s HR department. This partnership has several benefits for enterprises.

4 Main Advantages of Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

The following advantages can be provided to your company by an expert RPO provider:

Choosing the Best Applicants in the Shortest Amount of Time

The most important benefit that competent RPOs provide organizations is top personnel in the shortest time. RPOs can frequently do this because they have a constantly expanding talent pipeline, solid networks, and extremely effective applicant assessment procedures in place.

Because of its superior infrastructure, RPO can assist employers in locating candidates of a higher caliber than they could on their own.

Lowering the Cost of Hiring

RPOs can protect organizations from several hidden costs associated with hiring. Your business will be spared the significant overhead costs of establishing new recruitment procedures or technologies internally when you initially engage in RPO services.

Long-term cost savings associated with strategic hiring procedures will also benefit your company because of the following:

  • greater standard of candidates;
  • improved retention;
  • use of professional hiring procedures to enhance employer branding.

Working with an RPO can relieve your internal team of the load and provide them more time to concentrate on other key business-critical duties, which is quite important given how time-consuming staffing can be.


Using an RPO instead of investing in a full-time recruiting team enables your company to scale up or down your hiring assistance as necessary, which is advantageous given that most organizations have shifting hiring demands.

Strategic Assistance

It’s common knowledge that the major differentiator of successful organizations is their capacity to attract and retain highly qualified and engaged employees. The truth is that there’s always competition for competent candidates, so they always have a choice.

Therefore, having a capable RPO that puts your company in a position to draw top people gives your firm a crucial advantage. Additionally, if your business attempts to implement certain strategic strategies, an RPO can quickly match your hiring with those objectives.

Does Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Work for You?

Despite how useful RPO services are, not every organization should use them. When selecting an RPO solution for your business, there are a few factors to consider.

The first step is to analyze why your business needs assistance with recruiting thoroughly. It would be beneficial to start by examining the main causes before ranking them in order of importance.

For instance, an RPO could be the best option for your company if:

  • Your internal team is working too hard.
  • You expect there’ll be more hiring.
  • Your management team wants an alternative that is more dependable and predictable to typical internal recruiters, contract recruiters, or agencies.
  • You wish to enhance the measures you use to measure hiring effectiveness, efficiency, and cost.

The second is to think about how much assistance you need. RPO companies often offer two service levels:

  • outsourcing a project;
  • outsourcing in its entirety.

Project outsourcing is what happens when your business needs assistance with the hiring of a few engineers. Or, project outsourcing would apply if your company received a new contract and needed 500 front-line employees immediately. On the other hand, total outsourcing is typically used when your HR department as a whole requires assistance.

Choose a Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Provider

The time spent selecting an RPO supplier will always be worthwhile in the long run. When you choose the proper RPO partner, your company may have access to cutting-edge technology, evaluation tools, and a strong pipeline of qualified candidates.

When selecting an RPO supplier, keep the following factors in mind.

Organization of Services

Processes, technologies, and personnel used by recruitment process outsourcing firms vary greatly. While some RPOs might offer to improve your present procedures and work with your current employees and infrastructure, others would rather construct an entire end-to-end solution.

Spend some time clarifying your expectations and asking questions. It’s essential to carefully assess service agreements to choose the supplier who will best suit your demands.

Background Check on the Company

A thorough background check on the company is the greatest approach to determine the firm’s expertise, competence, and dependability as an RPO provider.

Obtain a list of the RPO’s customers (ideally from sources other than the RPO) and have in-depth discussions about the service level they experienced. This background investigation will save your company a lot of hassle.

Compatibility Level

Nothing is more annoying than working with uncooperative teammates. Therefore, choosing an RPO provider depends on how well your personnel gets along with theirs. This is crucial, given that the RPO will be an extension of your existing HR team.

A good long-term relationship requires mutual respect, shared beliefs, trust, and matching leadership styles.


Identifying the right talent at the right moment and the appropriate price is absolutely essential to an organization’s success. Although many businesses hesitate to outsource, the appropriate RPO provider might give your company a competitive edge.

Using a qualified RPO to help you locate people who are a great fit for your organization is the best gift you can offer your company because the success of every organization depends on the caliber of the people they can attract, hire, and retain.

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