Positive cash flow is what helps to keep your company moving forward. When you have a positive cash flow, you will always have enough to cover your liabilities. If you have poor cash flow or negative cash flow, however, this can threaten your business globally. It can also make things much more difficult to recover.. [Read More]
Tag Archives: cash
**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. If you are anything like me you have electronic devices lying around. Somehow we tend to accumulate them over time – and of course we can’t throw them out, we might need them someday. But.. [Read More]
Have you ever struggled from paycheck to paycheck? Struggled to make ends meet? Is it sometimes just a matter of days that you need help to get by? Well you are definitely not alone. How can you come up with money and fast?! Here are some tips that I use – because with four horses.. [Read More]