Tag Archives: Employment Law

Understanding Employment Law In California

recruiting and hiring

Although the federal government has laws that stipulate minimum wage and other regulations that protect workers, every state has the right to add its own laws to the regulations from the federal government. Some states are doing better than others in this regard. States like California can be counted as one of America’s most worker.. [Read More]

The Areas Of Employment Law HR Professionals Need To Know & Understand

As a business owner running a company and trying to succeed, many things can make it complicated. Employment law is one area that your company cannot afford to lack knowledge about, as it can have dire consequences for your business. For this reason, companies hire qualified HR professionals to take care of these things for.. [Read More]

A simple and efficient solution to end employment issues: Employment lawyers

Authored by Athena Nagel When the working population faces difficulties in their organisation, they often look towards employment lawyers for help. Regardless of the job field, every organisation or company has to follow employment laws. When an employer hires an individual, a collection of rules and laws apply. These regulate the relationship between the two.. [Read More]