To its owner, a fine horse is more than an animal; It’s a major investment, requiring the maximum degree of care and protection. Horses, of course, being living creatures, there are always plentiful chances for things to go wrong. Responsible owners buy the best horse insurance policy they can to cover the costs of possible.. [Read More]
Tag Archives: Equine
Despite the fact that research has improved our understanding of the causes of laminitis, it doesn’t seem to have resulted in a reduction in the number of cases. Why is this? Well it may have something to do with the increase in numbers of horses and ponies that are overweight or obese. Despite the fact.. [Read More]
We all know the horse is a very faithful and lovable animal. Just like other pets like dogs, cats, cows, etc, you should also take care of your horse health like hoof abscess health. Horse hoof health is also as important as overall health and comfort. If any kind of injury or bacteria goes inside.. [Read More]
My kids actually go trick or treating several times each year. We own a camper so we camp seasonally and the season includes two early October Trick or Treating weekends. By the time actual Halloween comes along it is pretty much a non-event. Since they trick or treat three times at least, it is pretty.. [Read More]
This is how I define weather: HHOOOTTTT – 95 degrees plus – far too hot to clean stalls, far too hot to ride a horse, far too hot for the horses. Change the water often because they aren’t huge fans of warm hay saturated tea… Hot – 80 degrees plus when my eyeballs sweat.. [Read More]
Everyone who knows me, knows I love horses. I have a very demanding job by day and everyone tries to add something to their workspace that offers a little bit of peace and tranquility. For me, that means adding an equine terrarium, a couple other decorative touches and a pair of silk fern plants… [Read More]
Last night I was searching for terrariums and I came across equine terrariums – and fell in love. I immediately knew I totally wanted to make one of these – now that I have made one I may just make more! This was fun, quick and thanks to Dollar Tree – inexpensive. Here’s what I.. [Read More]