Tag Archives: progress tracking

Balancing Health and Wealth: My Steps Towards Fitness and Financial Freedom

Balancing Health and Wealth

Life requires balance, and I’ve found the key to its fulfillment lies in managing two crucial areas – health and wealth. Today, I am happy to share my journey toward fitness and financial independence: an adventure filled with obstacles, learnings, and success! Starting Point: An Alarm Clock My journey began with an awakening: when I.. [Read More]

10 Ways To Effectively Manage Multiple Projects

10 Ways To Effectively Manage Multiple Projects

Managing multiple projects can get complicated very fast. Unless you have a good experience in multiple project management, you may get lost figuring out your priorities. Interestingly, only a handful of businesses (46%) prioritize project management, potentially leading to ineffective workload management and missing deadlines. But here’s the thing: you don’t need any magic formula.. [Read More]

The Best Way to Start a New Fitness Routine

Fitness Routine

We want a fresh start whenever something happens or changes in our life, like a breakup or a new year. And especially when a new year is approaching, we tend to set new resolutions and goals. And we wouldn’t be lying if we said that most of those resolutions involve being healthier and probably starting.. [Read More]