Tag Archives: Weighted Blanket

Relaxing With Corala Weighted Blankets

My daughter and I sleep with weighted blankets.  She has been sleeping with one for about ten years and I started just recently.  Honestly I find it hard to sleep with a “normal” blanket anymore which means I am going to need another one for next camping season – one for travel and home.  Then.. [Read More]

SensaCalm – A Weighted Blanket to Calm and Relax

This post contains affiliate links   SensaCalm is the “home of the original affordable weighted blanket.  They make therapeutic products for Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, Restless Legs Syndrome, Aspergers, ADD/ADHD, Dementia, Alzheimers, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and more. Our daughter (age 9) struggles with sleep.  She has difficulties falling asleep but more importantly has difficulties staying.. [Read More]