Xena Gets Her Daily Brushing With The Dog Deluxe Grooming Brush

dog deluxe grooming brush

Xena Gets Her Daily Brushing With The Dog Deluxe Grooming Brush

Xena Lee is a four year old Lansier Newfoundland.  If she does not get brushed extremely often she becomes very matted and it can quickly get out of control.  We all take turns making it happen and she absolutely loves to be brushed – it wouldn’t phase her if it was all day, every day.



Her hair is thick and multi-layered.  Any brush needs to be sturdy enough to get through the layers and pull out all the shed fur.


Even her tail needs that same attention – look at that gorgeous hair!  This is the CLD Brands Deluxe Brush and it is made of wood and metal with a contoured handle to get a better grip.  As you can see even my 9 year old has a great grip.


You can see one bent bristle in that brush – that is the way we received it – no bristles were bent with use so even with that, it held up just fine and perfectly.  And one last photo of our beautiful girl…

xena lee

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