5 Baby Registry Mistakes to Avoid

For an expecting mother, building her baby registry can be an exciting experience. With so many stores offering countless products from numerous brands, one can be never short of choices or products to register for. But the whole experience can turn out to be overwhelming due to the same reason. The result is that one can easily commit mistakes while setting up the baby registry. If you want to avoid the baby registry blunders, this article is for you. Here we tell you about the 5 common baby registry mistakes to avoid.

Don’t start building your registry at the last moment

It is important to be able to build your baby registry without feeling hard-pressed for time. Ideally, you should start planning your retailer registry in the fourth month of your pregnancy. This may seem to be too early but trust us, it is not so. Building your registry will take time as you will have to decide what you need, do your research about the safety features of certain products, read product reviews, etc.  Make sure your registry is all set by the time your invitations for baby shower go out.

Don’t depend blindly on the checklist

When building your retailer registry, you will come across checklists put up by the stores you have selected to use. Do not feel obliged to follow the checklists and include everything they say are a must-have for your baby. Be sure that you will be using the product before including it in your list. This way you won’t have to deal with unnecessary items later one.

Don’t list items simply because they are trendy

The market is full of fancy products and gadgets that claim to be absolutely indispensable for your baby. Instead of falling for the marketing gimmicks of the latest or the trendiest products, try to find out if they are at all necessary. More often than not, you will find out that basic products serve you much better than the fancy ones. So, decide wisely when stocking your registry.

Don’t prioritize what you want over what you need

It is fine to indulge yourself and register for a few items that you want for your baby, even though they are not an absolute necessity. But it’s not wise to overlook the things that you will definitely need once the baby comes home. Do not forget to include stuff like diapers, diaper bag, wipes, bottles, etc.  They will be of much more use for you than a bottle warmer or a pacifier holder.

Don’t ignore to check out the completion policy of the stores

You can include stuff from more than one store for your baby registry. But you must not forget to check out the completion policy of each store. Some stores offer you good discounts on anything left on your list after your event date – often the baby shower date or the due date. This provides you a chance to save some money while purchasing the remaining stuff on your list.


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