The Perfect Gift for the Woman who Always Says she Wants Nothing

Everyone has that one difficult person to buy for. They seem to have everything they need, and never mention wanting anything they don’t have.

Perhaps you have to buy a gift for a coworker or boss who you don’t know very well. Whatever the reason, when you are stuck on what gift to buy her, the easiest thing to do is just ask what she likes!

What about when you have that woman who you have racked your brain trying to buy for, and she says she wants nothing when you ask what she wants.

A word of advice to people in relationships: this is a trap. It may not be an intentionally set trap, but even those who say they don’t want anything want to be acknowledged. You may be able safely extricate yourself from the “no gift” trap by doing something special for them or with them and not actually buying a physical “gift”.

In most situations, whether it is a relationship or a coworker, you still want to give something to show you care. No matter how many protestations someone gives you that they don’t need a gift, everyone loves to receive a gift.  In this case, the perfect gift for them is a treat box.

Everyone Likes Treats

Everyone has to eat. We are wired to appreciate food for more than just sustenance, but for pleasure. This means that a gift that can be consumed will always be appreciated.

Think of all the “I didn’t know what to get you” gifts out there. Most of them either require some degree of knowledge about the person’s decor and lifestyle (christmas ornaments, trinkets, books). Those may be greatly appreciated, or they could be major misses if you make an incorrect assumption.

While the “thought counts” is true, it is not something you ever want said about your gift. Giving a box of treats guarantees they will actually be able to use what you give them.

There are Boxes for Everyone

When you hear the phrase “treat box” your mind may go straight to chocolates. While chocolates are always popular, not everyone eats chocolate. There are people who have allergies or just aversions, who would still love to get a treat.

If she has a chocolate aversion, you could build a treat box with gummies and nuts instead of chocolates. The fact that you thought that through will gain you some extra points.

If she is a health nut who is always posting to social media about her workouts and her new diet, you can still give her a treat! Build a box with nuts, dried fruit, and some super dark chocolates, and tell her it is a superfood treat.

If she likes to show off a bit you could have a multitiered treat tower sent to her at work. This also allows her to share if she is so inclined. This way, you are giving her not only the gift of deliciousness, but the gift of choice.

Treats also allow you flexibility in your budget. You could spend a few dollars for a small single person treat, or several hundred for something that can be shown off and shared. This means that no matter who you are and who you are buying for, you can find the right level.

To summarize, there may not be a lot of gifts for the woman who wants nothing, but there is a perfect gift for her. If you can’t figure out what is just right for the hard to shop for woman on your list, you may want to consider a treat box!

Author Bio

Larry Alton is a blogger and passionate writer at He loves cooking and is fond of travelling.

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