Tips for Keeping Your Skin Healthy

Tips for Keeping Your Skin Healthy

Visiting a skin clinic can give you the experience of a dermatologist to help you keep your skin healthy. For some people, this may seem like the only option when it comes to skincare. After all, you get the recommendations of a professional, so you know exactly what you must do to care for your skin.

However, you can also take the time to learn more about your skin type, and what you can do to keep it healthy on your own, so you don’t have to go to a dermatologist. Here are some tips that dermatologists from a clinic in Oslo recommend.

Wear Sunscreen Daily

Wearing sunscreen is the most important thing you should be doing. When you wear it, you protect your skin from the sun’s rays which can cause premature aging, skin cancer, and sunburn. If you’re like the many who have taken to staying outdoors from the impact of the last pandemic, you should apply an SPF 30 or higher sunscreen every two hours you are outside, after swimming, or if you sweat excessively.

When it comes to your face, you can try adding a moisturizer that contains sunscreen to your daily routine. That said, you should still reapply sunscreen to your face throughout the day. Additionally, no sunscreen can completely protect you from the sun’s rays, so you should also consider wearing sunglasses, hats, sun pants, and sun shirts. These sun clothes often come with a UV protection layer.

Stay Away From Tanning Beds

Tanning beds may seem safer than the sun, but they can emit harmful UV rays and cause skin cancer. Just one session in a tanning bed can raise your risk for melanomas, squamous cell carcinomas, and basal cell carcinomas. Therefore, you should use self-tanning products to get your golden glow. Follow the directions exactly to avoid splotches, streaks, and orange tints.

Simplify Your Daily Routine

Go for less with your skincare routine. Using a lot of products will aggravate your skin, causing rashes and acne. Instead, stick to the basics of using a cleanser in the morning and at night and using a moisturizer and sunscreen in the morning. Leave the specialty care and treatments to the professionals.

Choose Products Designed for Your Type of Skin

What type of skin you have is crucial for helping you choose products that will work for you. The different skin types include sensitive, normal, dry, oily, and combination. Sensitive skin is identifiable because it burns and stings after you put a product on it. Normal skin is clear and can handle the use of products such as medik8. Dry skin is often rough, itchy, and flaky. Oily skin will be greasy and shiny. Finally, combination skin has more than one type in different areas of your face.

Treat Your Lips

Because you can get skin cancer on your lips as well, you should use a lip balm, stick, or gloss with an SPF factor of at least 30. Additionally, if they feel chapped and lip balm isn’t doing anything for you, try sleeping with petroleum jelly on them to help retain moisture.

Don’t Touch Your Face

Every time you put your hands on your face, oil, germs, and dirt from your hands get on your skin. Therefore, you should avoid touching your face throughout the day. Additionally, you shouldn’t squeeze, pop, or pick at pimples and other acne because this causes scarring on your face.

Check Yourself Regularly

The most common type of cancer in the United States is skin cancer, affecting around 20 percent of the population. Melanoma, the most dangerous of the skin cancers, kills close to 20 Americans daily. However, when you find skin cancer early enough, you can effectively treat it. Even the survival statistics for people who find early melanomas are excellent.

Therefore, you should regularly check your skin for spots that have changed colors and moles that have changed color, bleed, or itch. Any of these are early signs of cancer, and if you find them, you should immediately make an appointment with a dermatologist to have them examined.

You need to take care of your skin. Otherwise, you could end up with problems, such as acne, scars, and cancer. Following these tips should get you on your way to identifying your skin type and learning how to treat it well.

One thought on “Tips for Keeping Your Skin Healthy

  1. Adam Miller says:

    Your skin is part of the body, and if there is a problem with it, then most likely you have a deficiency of some components or vitamins. It is worth getting examined by a dermatologist, and after finding suitable supplements and vitamins on the Therastore website, for example, and undergoing a course of treatment

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