Once you make the decision to have breast augmentation, you still have a big decision to make. What size implants do you want and how do you know if you are making the right choice? Choosing the right size breast implants is an important step that, together with your surgeon, will help you achieve the desired goals and breast size you are looking for. When choosing the right sized breast implants, there are a few things you need to consider.
Consider Your Body Size and Frame
When determining the best size implants for your breast augmentation, it is important to start with your body size and frame. This includes everything from your height and weight to your shoulder and hip width. It also includes your current breast volume and skin elasticity. The implants you choose should complement your body frame and not be so large that your existing skin is unable to support it, often resulting in rippling. Keep in mind that too large of implants on a small frame can lead to back pain while too small of implants on a larger frame can leave you wishing you had chosen a larger size.
Don’t Forget Your Lifestyle
When considering breast implants, it is important to think about your lifestyle and how larger breasts would make an impact. For example, if you are an athlete or runner, large implants may interfere with your regular workout routine.
What about Your Wardrobe?
Another thing to consider when choosing the right size breast implants is your wardrobe. Larger size breasts are likely to affect how clothes, like button down blouses fit, often creating the dreaded button gap. However, larger breasts can help fill out that low-cut little black dress in your closet with noticeable cleavage.
Consider Your Age
As we age and go through different stages of life, our body changes. Pregnancy causes breasts to grow or shrink, while aging, loss of skin elasticity, and gravity cause breasts to sag over time. These changes may be a consideration for waiting until after having children to have your breast augmentation or choosing a slightly smaller breast implant size to avoid excess sagging over time.
Choosing the right breast implant size for your augmentation procedure is a big step in the process and can greatly affect your breast augmentation results. Working with your surgeon, they will help you determine which size implant will work best to achieve your goals and often provide you with sizers or suggest the rice method to allow you to see how the different size implants look and feel and how they affect your appearance.