Stop Slipping All Over the Place – The Tip To Save Your Life
Okay so the headline may seem a little over dramatic but let me tell you this story and why I don’t think it is.
10 years ago I had major surgery on my legs and was in a wheelchair for quite some time. Then my youngest child came around. She is adopted but we got her at birth. She was literally born the day before I had major surgery. This type of stuff can’t be predicted and there was no way in hell I was going to change my mind about her. I am serious when I tell you that these leg surgeries were major and a long process to recovery but with her in my lap and by my side 24/7 it made it all bearable.
When I graduated to walking without crutches etc… she was still an infant. I was carrying her down the stairs one day and my shoes were too slippery. I fell down an entire flight of stairs. I don’t know how I did it but I managed to literally place her, sitting up on a step while I careened down. Of course if help didn’t come quickly she would not be sitting on that step for long. Thankfully my in-laws woke up and Rita “rescued” Sephora. And thankfully she does not remember the experience because I will never forget it. Back onto crutches I went.
I swore I would never ever wear slippery shoes again – I don’t care if it meant wearing sneakers to a formal event (although I have not had to resort to that) but I was not wearing slippery shoes.
Then my daughter asks me for these boots – you know the ones that all kids/adults have and they are so cute…
The first day she wore them (yes I know they are winter boots but seriously that kid would wear boots every day of the year and does if I let her) she came home from school with bandaids all up and down her arms and some on her legs. Apparently, trying to wear these boots on the school’s gym floors and tiled floor was the same as it would have been trying to wear sneakers on an icy pond. Well, that wasn’t going to happen again – either I needed to solve the problem or throw her treasured boots out.
The solution is as easy as a glue gun.
Simply squiggle some hot glue onto the bottom of the shoes and they have just enough grip to keep her from slipping. The glue does not leave the soles tacky either so it doesn’t sound like she has gum on her shoes as she walks. I am happy and she is happy. I imagine even school or at least the nurse will be happy!
For approximately $5 for a small hot glue gun you can solve this problem with so many pairs of shoes.
probably great for us adults with balance issues as well 😀