Playing With Our New Photo Space In The House
When my oldest daughter moved out I transformed her old room into a craft room. That worked well for about a year. Then it became a place where everyone stored everything. It has gotten increasingly out of control over the last year to the point where there was no way I could even sew in that room – I had to resort to bringing my sewing machine downstairs whenever I wanted to use it. And since someone always need something sewn, it has taken up residence on the bench at our kitchen table.
Not anymore…
I have spent the last two days gutting that room and restoring it to a useful space. We have thrown so many bags of “stuff” in the dumpster and so many bags of “other stuff” has made it’s way to the Salvation Army. I could not believe how much we actually had in there. In fact two days should adequately explain it.
My goal was to restore the room to just sewing and Cricut stuff with ample space for photography. This room is a very small room with no closets and the very corner has a window on each wall – perfect.
I cleaned everything out and up and hung a curtain rod on the wall, moved a small dresser underneath it, installed natural lights and created a space for props.
Although there are no props in these photos and they are definitely not dressed for portraits – they were dying to be the first real photos taken in the spot…
Excellent! I cleaned out half of my huge walk in closet right before Christmas and got rid of loads of stuff, too. Also gutted my files. I’ve never felt the urge to purge at Christmas but this year I was glad I did. I’m wanting some streamlined living for the new year!