The Warming Buddy Bear by Carex offers moist and therapeutic heat. He is a cute and cuddly way to apply moist, soothing heat. The Buddy Bear was designed with 100% natural grains in his belly, feet and hands. He can be used cold or hot to provide soothing comfort to an ear or tooth ache, or to keep you warm through those cool nights. A natural alternative or compliment to over the counter drug treatments.
Throughout the last two years I have made my daughter a warming heart and a warming bear. We keep them up in Maine for our cold evenings in April and October. But we didn’t have anything here and I hadn’t gotten around to making her another of either.
The nights in Connecticut have been very cold for the last couple weeks and there doesn’t appear to be an end in sight. You know it is cold when it feels like a heat wave at 15 degrees.
This bear can be used as a soothing solution cold or warm. For cold – place in a large baggie and place in the freezer. At this time of year we definitely don’t need cold therapy. But for warm – place in a microwave safe dish for one minute. When an adult removes it from the microwave, shift the contents around so the heat is evenly distributed.
- Doctor Recommended moist heat
- Buddy is designed to provide Hot & Cold Therapy in his belly, hands and feet.
- Ideal for tooth aches, ear aches, arthritis, and aches and pains
- Filled with 100% natural grains
- Easy and safe, use as directed
ThermaTherapy Buddy Bear Provides Moist and Therapeutic Heat
This would be so great for some of my grandchildren. My little grandson has painful joints and this would be so perfect for him.