We always seem to be doing something where a magnifying glass would come in handy. It is right up there with a hammer and a philips head screwdriver as an essential tool.
I can see just fine if the light is bright – natural daylight is best but in the house I need a fully lit room. A dimly lit room or a twilight situation are a struggle for me. I have had eye surgeries which help my vision and I don’t need glasses – but when the light isn’t bright white – then I do need reading glasses and magnification.
Not only this magnifying glass handheld but it is also scratch resistant. The three LED lights make it perfect to use in a dark situation or even in a dimly lit situation.
This is great for elderly persons but NOT just elderly persons. Are you a couponer? In order to be a coupon queen you must be able to organize coupons quickly and easily. Did you know the coupon insert name and date are on the spine of the coupon pack? It is in very tiny print. For example RedPlum 09/10/17. Try reading it without a magnifying glass or reading glasses – TOO TINY! Problem solved!
This magnifying glass is available for less than $10 on Amazon!
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