Our Horse Family Keeps Growing – Nagel Horses

In May 2015 my daughter started taking riding lessons;  In August 2015 my son started taking lessons; December 2015 we started partial leases for both kids so they could consistently ride.  By May 2016 we purchased our first horse – Toni Pine Valley Angel, an 18 year old thoroughbred.  She was the perfect horse for our daughter – we tried so many horses til we found just the right one and they really are the perfect match.

Those two are totally stylin’ all the time.

Then in the summer 2016 we started searching for a horse for our son.  This search took us all over the place – he wanted every horse we saw but none were just the right horse for him.  We finally found Thor (AKA Jack) – a 22 year old Belgian draft in New Hampshire.  They have loved each other ever since.  Anthony is autistic and sometimes struggles with riding Thor because Thor will act a little sassy – but he doesn’t care, he is perfectly happy just having him as a companion.  Other people occasionally ride him to help him keep his manners.

Ignore the “It” shirt – UGH!  But when we went to look at Thor we found a gorgeous Belgian/Appy cross – Ace.  We really aren’t sure how old he is – perhaps 9 or 10 but we were told he was much older than that.  We don’t think so though – he is a sassy teenager.  He is my boy (though my daughter will argue about that – she thinks all our horses are hers).  It has taken me a while to be able to ride him – he can get carried away but lately he has been minding his manners thanks to many other people helping to keep him consistently riding.  I only like to use him for trails though I have a strong desire to learn some liberty training with him!  Sometimes I just love to just hang out with him and he seems to really appreciate my company.

And then in June 2017 we purchased another Thoroughbred – Sprite Patton’s Reward!  She is quite the looker and eventing horse.  We are casually looking for another home for her but she seems to have settled right in.  She is best friends with Thor and loves attention from me.  She is an awesome horse but very strong willed.  She tends to be pushy at suppertime – she knows the routine and as soon as someone opens the gate to take the first horse out, she barges through and struts her way, unescorted to her stall.  She acts like she knows what to do and doesn’t need someone’s permission to do it.  She is hilarious.  I will be in the middle of cleaning her stall and I hear her coming…

I have yet to get a photo of the four of them together – I don’t think that will be possible but Sprite is always with Thor so getting those two together is usually pretty easy.

Until the snow starts to fall – I am looking forward to going on trail rides.  My kids and I are finally able to go together and hopefully we can even get my husband to go sometimes!  A perfect activity for Fall weather.

Looking for a place to spend some time with horses?  To trail ride?  Take lessons?  Check out Valley View Riding Stables – so many horses for every need, including large groups.  You can even stop in and see our horses – they love visitors (and carrots)!

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