Dog owners now days have a lot of variety when it comes to choosing crates for their adorable pets. You need to decide many things while going out shopping for one like the cost factor, your dog’s size, his or her comfort level etc. There are many options that you can choose from and with this article, we are going to make you more aware about the type of dog crates available in the market and which one is suitable for you and your dog’s comfort.
- A Soft Sided Dog Crate
Like its name suggests, soft sided dog crates are made of a softer material and looks like a small backpack. Their wall panels might be made of a sturdy fabric that is held together with a tubular steel framework. Because of the way they are constructed and the raw materials that are used in these types of crates, they are light, cheap and easy to carry around. They won’t hurt your canines and therefore your dog generally won’t have a problem with them. The only problem is that they need to be replaced frequently and are not very suitable for large sized dogs.
- Metal Crates or Cages
Metal crates or cages are exactly the way you would have imagined them. They are made of sturdy metal wires and are therefore have good ventilation from all sides. You can even see your canine and he or she can see you from all directions! If you have a pet that likes to chew everything then a metal crate is a good option to look forward too. Metal crates tend to be heavier and therefore they are difficult to carry around while travelling but other than that, they are a good option to look forward to. If you want to know more about these cages and their usage then click here.
- Plastic Dog Crates
Plastic Dog Crates are like a compromise between metal and soft sided dog crates. They are stronger than soft sided crates but are not well ventilated or sturdy like metal wired crates. On the plus side, you can carry them easily and they are also cheaper. They are also easier to clean and you won’t have to do much to maintain them. Also, many airlines use this type of crate for pets as they are cheap and overly curious dogs don’t get over excited in them as they can only see through a single panel opening.
- Wooden Crates
The majority of wooden crates complement fashion more than practicality and this can be quite tricky at times to notice at times. Many people buy these types of wooden crates for their home and use them as a stationary pet crate. Moving these crates around is not a good idea as they are not sturdy and can break easily. You can use one as a resting place for your dog and as a part of your home décor. Even though they lack in functionality, these dog crates will look great with your home décor.
- Combination Crates
Combination crates or cages are generally only for traveling and therefore they are constructed in a way that complements the same. They have wheels on the bottom and this makes them easier to move and make transportation easier. They are made of both metal and plastic and therefore will be a little heavy than normal plastic crates. Overall, the pros are more than cons in this one but because they are relatively new, you won’t get them on every website.
So these were the main types of dog crates that are available in the market right now. Before making a choice, do make sure your dog is comfortable with his crate and therefore don’t forget to take in consideration your dog’s needs too while buying a dog crate.
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So cute so cute. I would love to share these dog breads with my friends!