Relocating for a New Job: Is it a wise decision?

Relocating for a new job is a whole new ball game than simply moving out to find a new place to stay. Whether you’d be moving to a different city, state or country, the hassle and stress brought about by this decision is a huge thing to consider.

Whether you got a year or a month to decide, there are a handful of stuff to bear in mind so your moving out process would just be a piece of cake.

Relocating for a New Job

  1. Relocation Expenses

Moving to an entirely different environment would surely cost differently than the usual thing you’ve had. Most especially if you’ve been in that particular workplace and home for quite a number of years that it already got into your system as well the ins and outs of your daily routine are now a part of your being.

It would be wise on your part to do a checklist of possible expenses most especially the additional ones and compare it with the current one you have. Then, you just do the math. Although it might be enticing not to look before you leap, weighing out things would make a huge impact in this upcoming life-changing decision of yours. Once you’ve made up your mind, asking for relocation assistance would be a great help. You could talk to your HR officer if they could accommodate such requests. In case they do, it would be one thing off the hook for you.

  1. Build a New Network

Whether you are an introvert, an extrovert or ambivert there is a need for you to get acquainted with the people you’ll be getting along with as you move to a new place and a new job. Having a strong professional environment can be a huge asset in your coping up process. Making new friends won’t be that easy alongside adjusting to that entirely new setting you’re in. It would take a little effort for you to gain a new set of network that would be your throttle hold as you slowly climb up that corporate ladder once more.

Social media connection can be a boundless way to build up your network. Scout mutual friends that could assist you one way or another with this new life you’re about to get into. These links would somehow ease the burden of coping up whether it is professional or personal aspect in your life.

  1. Get Organized

Are you a to-do-list kind of person or are you a go-with-a-flow kind? Well, this time you might want to prepare an objective list of your needs to guide you through every step of the way. There are way too many odds and ends to simply rely on your memory and confidence alone.

A good-old classic notes on the fridge or some notes on your phone would be pragmatic until you get the hang of it. If you’re the techy type, a spreadsheet would be of great help with this organizing stuff you’re getting into. Updating your contact list online and offline is also vital that would get you through the tide of being a newbie in the workplace and in your neighborhood.

Don’t miss out on cutting lines and subscriptions you would no longer be using. Internet, phone, insurance, health care, financial institutions are on top of this list.  Make settlements and updates necessary for a seamless transfer. Go through your mail and e-mail to weed out unnecessary stuff that would haunt you to your new place. Make sure that these loose ends would bother you no more as you start anew.

Being in this new job and place, you’re a driver taking on a new route to some place unfamiliar so having a map or using  Waze would really prevent things from getting out of hand. As you slowly navigate your way through, getting organized isn’t a bad idea after all, isn’t it?

  1. Renting or Owning a House

While it might be a great idea to simply move into owning a new house it is a much better option to rent one on a short-term basis. Renting a place as you circumnavigate this new job and environment you are in is a practical move just in case you’d have a change of heart in the coming days. This short period would also help you with your house plans, where and what kind would you like to acquire budget-wise.

Do you plan on commuting to work or buying yourself a car to get you on an easy route each day? A huge chunk of your budget must be allocated in this area. Do you have kids or are you a bachelor with lesser errands and responsibilities? If you have a more mouths to feed, it is an entirely new story. Transferring to a strategic location for your kid’s school and your workplace is a careful decision you need to make. In addition, having a better half with an entirely different nature of work is also a big thing. Will your partner be able to find a new job as good as what he currently has? Will he be as thrilled as you are? Talking about this major decision is a must. It is a different world out there not only for yourself but also for your family.

  1. Prepare all the nitty-gritties

Since you’re new in the place it would be best to acquaint yourself first and foremost of the essential things for you to survive first-day-high. You might want to befriend Google Map or try the commute from your house to your workplace and vice versa. That way you eliminate the stress of travelling and getting late for official business.

On personal needs you might want to ask around or research where the nearest hospitals, grocery stores, laundry shops, or restaurants are so in case of emergency or personal errands you know exactly where to go. On evenings where you’re too exhausted, you might just want to order to-go food or simply dine somewhere near your home.  It’ll save you the headache of deciding which way or what stuff to consider once you’re familiar with the new city you’re in.

In case you’ve gone off coast with an entirely new custom and tradition, it is best to be in-the-know so as not to offend anyone and just blend in chameleon-like. The array of choices especially with food and drinks might not be tongue-friendly so it is best to take with you some staple food you’re familiar with to get you through most especially if you’re that picky-eater type.

Final Thoughts

 Moving out could be as difficult as moving on. There are a gazillion things to consider not to mention the new life you’d be having because of this new job and new home. The advantages would outweigh the disadvantages depending on how well you navigate this new route you’re in. Truth of the matter is, you are in control with the constant changes in your life– be it short-lived or long-term.

2 thoughts on “Relocating for a New Job: Is it a wise decision?

  1. Joseph says:

    Change is always a good decision if it improves the quality of your life. Life is too short to spend it on an unloved job and an uncomfortable place to live. There is a great blog on this topic, here you can get to know it in more detail. Perhaps this will also inspire you to change

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