Google officials confirmed that the Google Page Experience is all set to be launched next May. Almost a year ago, Google had announced the update and gave sites six-month tenure to prepare for it. The Page Experience update will consider user experiences while ranking search results. After the update’s launch, Google will highlight the search results, which have impressive page experience. Let us learn more about this update.
What is Page Experience?
Page Experience can be understood with a set of signals. Google will evaluate the set of signals so that people can understand how users perceive the experience of a particular web page. The signals Google will see are how quickly the page loads, the rate of its being mobile-friendly, runs on HTTPS, whether content jumps when the page loads, and if it has intrusive interstitials or not.
Google has also said that it will also show a visual indicator that highlights pages with a good page experience. Page Experience consists of lots of existing Google search ranking factors. These include the mobile-friendly update, page speed update, HTTPS ranking boost, intrusive interstitials penalty, and safe browsing penalty. These factors will refine metrics around speed and usability. Google calls these refinements Core Web Vitals.
Visual Indicators in search results featured by Google
Google said that when the page experience goes live, it will test various ways to exhibit visual indicators in the search results. It will inform a surfer if the specific search result is having a great page experience or not. Google has already shown these kinds of visual indicators with AMP icons, show labels, mobile-friendly labels, and many more.
Google believes that the information they provide about the quality of the webpage will help the users to select the search results that they want to visit. The snippet or image preview helps the users to get tropical contexts and to gather knowledge of web pages. Visual indicators do the same thing in another way. Google is working on one that identifies pages that have met all the page experience criteria.
But Google hasn’t revealed any updates about the visual indicators’ looks. It is also hard to say about the longevity of the indicators as it depends on Google’s decision based on the data. Now, while the testing is going on, Google said that we might soon see the icons and labels in search results. They will share more information about its progress in the coming months.
Preparation for the Page Experience update
The sites can start their preparation right away for the user experience to become a ranking factor. The Core Web Vitals report in Google Search Console is a stupendous place to get a sense of how a site is performing in these areas. After the launch of this update in May 2021, AMP will not be required for articles to show in the Top Stories Carousel.
Google will continue to call AMP ‘one of the easiest and cost-effective ways for publishers looking for great page experience outcomes’. If anyone publishes an AMP version of the content, then Google search will link it with a cache-optimized AMP version to optimize delivery to users. But it is not clear how much effect it will have on ranking.
Many SEO experts expect that it will be minor as many page experience signals already factor into Google’s search algorithms. But the announcement done by Google about visual indicators will give SEO providers opportunities to advocate for their companies to pay more attention to Core Web Vitals. So now, availing of seo agency melbourne services would be beneficial for your site.
Reaching the end of the article, it can be said that Google is going to take a great step by launching page experience. It will surely change the way of browsing and also forcefully make every site’s official pages more user-friendly and mobile-friendly.
Another advantage of working in the field of PPC is the dynamics. You will see the result of your work quickly enough, and in most cases you will not have to wait six months to understand whether your strategy is effective. And in terms of self-development, you simply will not be able to stand still: the sphere is constantly and rapidly developing.