Avoid Being a Victim With Workplace Sexual Harassment Training


How to Avoid Being a Victim of Sexual Harassment at Your Place of Employment

The emotional and physical health of the person who is the target of sexual harassment at work might be severely compromised because of the assault. As a result of sexual harassment, morale and productivity decline, turnover rises, and the company’s brand and image are harmed—and these implications are not limited to the victim. The process of restoring these requires a significant investment of time, energy, and resources.

What Is Harassment?

Harassment is any activity that consists of repetitive or unwelcome contact with the sole goal to inflict anguish, irritation, fear, or emotional discomfort (Emotional discomfort definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary (collinsdictionary.com)) on the victim. It may occur in person, via phone conversations, or online. It’s important to know just what harassment implies.

Stalking is a kind of repeated harassment, and if it takes place online, it is referred to as cyberstalking. If it happens in person, it is called stalking.

Harassment of a sexual nature may take many forms, and the term “sexual harassment” encompasses all of them. It’s possible that it has nothing to do with your body at all. It may involve actions like:

  • Sharing uninvited sexual content
  • Soliciting sexual favors or dates
  • Giving the victim disrespectful or obscene remarks regarding their sexual orientation or gender identity
  • Making unwelcome sexual advances
  • Engaging in improper touching or gestures

If anything like this happens within a workplace, employees have every right to contact a Mt Juliet Employment Lawyer, or one similar, to fight their case if it goes to court. No one should feel afraid to come into work because of another person and their actions, which is why legal help is always available.

The Workplace Can Involve Either of These Two Forms of Sexual Harassment

It wasn’t until the Supreme Court amended Title VII to include “sex” discrimination and define it as workplace sexual harassment that these changes took effect in the late 1980s.It is possible for sexual harassment to take place in any setting; nevertheless, the workplace seems to be one of the most common settings in which it occurs.

In addition, sexual harassment is the sort of workplace harassment that occurs most often. It is important to have an adequately trained staff on matters of harassment, and training information can be obtained at https://www.traliant.com/sexual-harassment-training/. According to the agency’s annual report, nearly two-thirds of all EEOC complaints in 2017 were about sex-based harassment, with a quarter of those complaints being explicitly about sexual harassment.

There are two types of sexual harassment that may occur in the workplace:

  • Harassment and abuse in an unwelcoming setting
  • Sexual harassment in exchange for a favor

A hostile environment

The victim of sexual harassment is subjected to unwelcome conduct of a persistent and sexually suggestive nature, which, as a direct consequence, makes the victim’s working environment intolerable. Sexual harassment is known as “quid pro quo” is a little bit different since it demands an exchange of favors (either planned or carried out).

Quid pro quo harassment includes any sexual favor offered for professional benefits, such as a salary or promotion. “Quid pro quo” is a Latin phrase that literally translates to “this for that.”

Protection of employees

Protection of Employees from Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

An organization has several options for preventing or dramatically reducing sexual harassment, while also improving the response if it does occur. These include:

  • Training for businesses
  • Anti-harassment policy
  • Transparency in the reporting processes
  • Zero-tolerance policy
  • Consider the well-being of the personnel.
  • Training for Corporations

When employers require employee education on harassment and discrimination, they are ensuring that their workers are well-versed in the problems at hand. Victims should be encouraged to come forward and report harassment if they are aware of the proper procedures for doing so. This will help to ensure that those responsible are held accountable.

Anti-Harassment Policy

It is essential that every organization have policies in place to deal with workplace harassment and sexual harassment, as well as processes in place for reporting such incidents. It is important for all workers to be acquainted with it, and new hires should read it as part of the onboarding process.

Transparency in the Methods of Reporting

Companies may foster a culture of openness about harassment by establishing a clear reporting mechanism that safeguards the privacy and safety of those who have been harassed.

Zero-Tolerance Policy

If the anti-harassment initiatives only operate in principle and only exist on policy papers, then the company is not adequately protecting its workers from the risk of sexual harassment. For a definition of an anti-harassment policy, click here. Regardless of his title, rank, or position within the firm, no one who is found guilty of misconduct or harassment should escape the penalties.

Pay Attention to Employee Well-Being

Companies should create a forum (a monthly meeting or anonymous poll, for example) where employees may address unpleasant matters at work. A pleasant, productive, and harassment-free place of employment is built on a foundation of openness and honest discussion that is fostered and encouraged.


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