Do you ever need to carry meds? My kids have special needs and take meds three times per day. If I don’t carry a full days worth with me, I always seem to manage to need them. Failure to have them takes away all spontaneity we could possibly have. We become hostages to the schedule.
I have tried so many pill containers over the years and inevitably they seem to break open in my purse, spilling the pills everywhere. The best solution – contact lense holders. They have screw on caps and are just the right size for a dose. I can easily carry a full days worth in minimal space.
I carry three containers – A = Anthony; S = Sephora; M = Morning; A = Afternoon; B = Bedtime.
Best solution ever and those screw on caps never come off.
I need to get my meds more organized!
Glad to know you are sharing this solution with others out there who encounter the same problem.
This reminds me I have to buy pill case, a replacement.