The Trees And Plants With The Best Health Benefits

If you are looking at upgrading your home or garden with another tree or plant, why not look for one that you can reap health benefits from? There are many small indoor plants and larger trees that can grow fruit or extracts that can be used for a number of beneficial and healing properties.

Another option to decorate your home and bring color into your environment is artificial mini roses.

Aloe Vera

This is one of the most popular natural extracts worldwide and is used in millions of products from face creams to juice. Aloe vera plants can be kept in the home, with many gardening and department stores selling them in small, convenient pots. They don’t need a lot of watering either so are relatively easy plants to maintain. The health benefits of this plant extract include its soothing and healing properties on rashes or skin irritations, aids in the healing of cold sores, and moisturizes your hair and scalp. If you already purchase aloe vera products, why not save yourself some cash and use this natural extract straight from its source, mixing it with your normal moisturizer or shampoo and conditioner.

Guamuchil Tree

This tree can grow up to fifty feet, so is best kept outside in a large garden. It grows the Guamuchil fruit, which has many health benefits as well as being a great seasoning for many dishes. Although it can take two years for the tree to blossom and begin growing flowers, it is well worth it. If you are looking for a plant that can give you something you can’t buy in your local supermarket, this is it. Guamuchiles are sweet and sour fruit that contain many vitamins and minerals such as vitamin c needed to boost the immune system, thiamine which helps in maintaining a healthy stress level, and iron to help combat fatigue and anemia. The leaves and bark also have health benefits such as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, therefore this plant is well worth the growth time. For the best care – call up Fresno arborists for garden care.


Although found outdoors, this plant can thrive indoors too. Not only does Jasmine have a unique and calming smell, but it is also known to reduce anxieties and help us sleep. If you have a lot of trouble sleeping at night, it may be worth growing a Jasmine shrub in your bedroom, close to your bedside. You may also use your Jasmine plant to make potpourri or soaps to reap the benefits outside of the bedroom, and there are many online tutorials if you are feeling crafty enough. Sleep is needed to maintain our well-being and to enable us to make decisions, maintain healthy stress levels and concentrate effectively. Studies have found that Jasmine, as well as Lavender, can aid in us getting a full night’s rest.

Next time you are thinking of purchasing a plant or tree for indoor or outdoor use, why not choose a plant that can give you something back. Whether you struggle with sleeping, anemia, or any other health problem, there is a plant out there that can help you.

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