uKloo – Early Reader Treasure Hunt Game

Learning to read can come quite easily for some children while for others – it is really difficult to just get going.  I am not talking about children with learning disabilities – for some they need extra time to grasp the concepts and put it all together.  After all the English language is not an easy one to pick up.

When I was younger and learned to read – I went to Catholic school.  We learned through a phonics program.  Each of our five children have handled learning to read differently.  Our youngest was a piece of cake and another child was a huge challenge.

Now we have our grandson living with us.  Now he is on the very young side attending kindergarten so the concepts are being presented to him very very early.  But he is definitely a willing participant in the process and does want to learn to read so that is half the battle.

Now along comes the uKloo Early Reading Treasure Hunt game.  He seriously cannot wait to participate in his treasure hunt every night.  He is also very ADHD so getting him to focus on something is perfect.

Basically to make your way through your treasure hunt you find the clues, look up the words and work your way to a surprise!  The role of the parent is to decide how many cards to use, which cards to use and leave out, and what type of surprise will best motivate your child or be suitable for their circumstances.  Below is our video…

His confidence has definitely increased and I really wish this game were around while we were trying to teach some of our children to read.  And here is uKloo’s video:

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