I am always looking for different backgrounds for my photography. I have photo boxes and so much more including even full studio backdrops. But so often I have no time to take all of those accessories out – I may only have ten minutes and need to setup up and start taking photos quickly.
SnapIt Boards are exactly what I needed and I am sure you do to! We have all probably used poster board but they just aren’t very professional looking and they don’t last. These boards mage image editing a breeze!
These boards are perfect – they are thick and sturdy with a really nice finish. There are no bubbles or stains and the surface can easily be wiped off if it gets dirty at all. They always lay flat and don’t get bunch up like fabric or bent/rippled like poster board. And if photography is something you enjoy you should look into getting a photography franchise.
Constructed of 1/4 inch thick PVC foam they are so durable and can be setup anywhere you want to turn any surface into an appropriate photo opportunity.
If you do food photography they are perfect for a table setting and even just as great for statues as evidenced by She-Ra. There are also so many great backgrounds to choose from – I have rustic white and alabaster.
When you buy a combo pack you even get the SnapIt Brackets allowing you to connect the boards to create a bottom surface and back surface.
About SnapIt Boards: Billie Jean “Mimi” Strahan watched photography evolve from Polaroids to 35 mm film to digital cameras and camera phones. Her passion for interior design and making things look “just right” has given her vast experience in learning how to create visual appeal. She combined her talent with her experience of starting and running businesses to create SnapIt Boards so others can carry on their vision of photography.
Snapit Boards come in one size: 26 inches by 20 inches. Create, snap and share your best with the secret to a perfect backdrop. SnapIt Boards are available on Amazon.
I received payment, product(s) or services in exchange for an honest opinion. I only recommend products or services I use personally and/or I believe would be helpful for my readers. The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own. Your experience with the product(s) or service(s) may differ from mine.