Problems with heating systems are more frequent in industrial facilities than in residential buildings. The contamination of tubes and radiators can result in issues with the heating system, which usually require expensive interventions.
‘The main culprit’ for heating problems (in heating systems with boilers) is the dirty tap water used in industrial and commercial facilities. Also, due to the age of thermal installations and irregular cleaning, deposits can form inside the pipes.
For resolving this issue, facility owners have to flush and clean the heating system from time to time. Website suggests using boiler tube cleaners powered by pressure, which are more efficient than those driven by water. Industrial Cleaning Company Grand Rapids-MI can help with all you industrial cleaning needs.
The Importance of Mechanical Cleaning of Boiler
Impurities that accumulate on the pipe walls cause uneven heating of the facility. The scale deposits prevent the release of heat from the pipes. By regularly flushing installations, these problems can be avoided. Proper maintenance also reduces the consumption of fuels.
Depending on what you use as a heat source, maintenance of the HVAC will vary. Also, it matters how long the heating system was poorly maintained. Limescale and soot that have been deposited over the years can cause additional problems such as rusting of pipes. These deposits are much harder to remove than sediments that have been there (only) for several months.
Cleaning sets for boiler tubes include tools for mechanical cleaning. If the heating system uses wood or petroleum as fuel, the deposits that form in the pipes and the boiler can be very persistent and hard to remove by chemical means. Therefore, it is better to use tools for scraping and brushes for cleaning and polishing the inside of tubes.
On the page below, check some professional guidelines on how to take care of the heating units:
How Tube Cleaner Works
Most cleaning systems that can be found on the market today are powered by compressed air. These usually contain a maintenance unit or a trigger-control tape, hose, hose attachments (rods, brushes, sandblasters), and some basic tools. Most of these systems also contain protective equipment (mask, goggles, and sometimes, earplugs).
Before starting the cleaning, find out the diameter of the pipe. That will mean when you choose the size of your brushes. It is always better for the brush to be larger than the pipe opening, by at least a millimeter. Otherwise, it will not thoroughly clean the inside of the boiler.
With the help of hose, adapters, and interchangeable cleaning tools, you will create a cleaning system. Attach the high-temperature hose to the compressor through the maintenance unit and use the cleaning tool (brush or scraper) on the other end.
After you insert the brush into the tube opening, you turn the cleaning system on. The compressed air pushes the brush through the pipes, removing the scale, grease, dirt, and even rust. While going back through the boiler, the brush fibers will ‘take’ these scraps with them, making it easy to vacuum and pick up dust and residues of inner deposits. For detailed explanations, you can follow iHeat, a highly skilled team ¡willing to guide you and assess the problem you might be facing regarding maintenance and reparations.
Benefits of Air-Driven System
During the process of this mechanical descaling, air-powered brushes simultaneously polish the inside of the pipe and boiler. Do not worry about damaging the pipe or unnecessary loss of the material – everything is calculated in millimeters.
The greatest benefit of systems that use compressed air as power is that you don’t have to move a finger. Your job is to put the hose and tool in the pipe and hold it while it’s working. Then, you just have to turn the system off when it’s done.
Types of Brushes
The hose attachments do most of the work, so it’s essential to choose the right brush and scraper. Before you start cleaning, you need to know what type of brush you need, and how hard-core deposits in the tubes are. More tips on removing soot and scale from HVAC see here.
If you do preventative cleaning of the tubes and boiler, opt for brushes with nylon fibers. When you clean the heating system regularly, there are no stubborn deposits inside it and no need for abrasive action and further damaging of pipes.
With perennial lime and dirt sediments inside the pipes, more aggressive action is required. Stainless steel or brass brushes, as well as scraping tools, provide extra toughness to clean these deposits. For extra caked, heavily fouled tubes, you should use specialized accessories in the form of multiple rotating scrapers.
Other Methods of Boiler and Tube Cleaning
In addition to mechanical, there is a chemical cleaning of the HVAC system. At one time, this method was much more prevalent. Today, with modern heating systems, the need for chemical cleansers is reduced. It was a more expensive, more dangerous, and less eco-friendly method of HVAC systems maintenance. Mechanical cleaning of boilers and pipes is a much cheaper, simpler, and healthier solution.
Flushing is another useful and environmentally friendly way to get rid of rust and scale from your heating installations. It is conducted by letting hot water under heavy pressure through previously drained pipes and boiler. However, you shouldn’t do this if there are corroded areas on heating installations.
Facility owners are primarily to blame. They try to cut corners on proper heating installations by using cheap materials and neglecting the maintenance of the boiler and tube system. All these lead to failures and additional costs.