Seeing the Brighter Future of Agriculture in Thailand


Agriculture in Thailand is now developing especially because of the application of artificial intelligence. It is becoming essential to increase productivity with the world increasing their feed to 9.7 billion people. This is true for the coming of 2050.

Indeed, the implementation of technology in the agriculture farm is more about getting the most from the small patch of land. Such advancement brings about a profound economic impact. Just understand that agriculture is the strongest tool to use ending extreme poverty. The growth in this sector is believed to be 2 to 4 times more effective when raising incomes among the poorest people of Thailand. This is based upon the World’s Bank release of the “Ending of Poverty & Hunger by 2030.” Almost sixty-five percent of working adults who are poor are making a living due to agriculture. This was stated in the report of the World Bank in 2016.

The Use of AI

There will be a brighter future of Agri-business in Thailand provided that AI is effectively utilized. This could help reduce the costs and increase the yields affecting agriculture around the world. As per the global market in agriculture, it was roughly estimated that AI in agriculture falls at 519 million dollars in 2017. It will also increase to about 2.6 billion dollars by 2025. This is based on the report of a reliable institution. It is the increasing populations that drive the growth in agriculture. Software can play a major role in agricultural success and you can learn more – click here.

Precise Farming Applications

AI will achieve its highest growth in agriculture that includes an increase in yields and precision in farming applications. Included in these applications is the greater use of farm robots and drone analytics services.

The smallholder farmers will be assisted in the best way possible by technologies like computer vision, machine learning, & predictive analytics. Thailand might become the same as Kenya in using AI for the development of farming and irrigation technology. This will help the smallholders in maximizing yields and increasing earnings.

Apps May Come Up

Applications are now to be developed giving Thai farmers a detailed forecast that is specific to their plot. That will include recommendations for irrigating, planting, fertilizing, and maximizing yields at such a lower cost. Data will be collected from the weather stations, sensors, & meteorological satellites before the use of a cloud platform comparing data from the historical climate of models. It is when essential information is provided through the farmer’s computer or Smartphone.

High-Resolution Satellite Images, Sensors, and Drones

High-resolution satellite images, sensors, and drones are now being used in gathering data in Thailand. The data is fed to the AI of a company responsible for providing accurate information about the land of a farmer. The satellites get near-infrared and hyper-spectrum quality data at a relatively cheap price. In fact, three by three-meter resolution is obtained while data is run through the software. The uptake of chlorophyll in plants is among the things considered. The plant that has the leaves can then be analyzed.

The farmers get recommendations from the analysis of the fields. And these are somehow specific as if the particular plot needs more potassium or nitrogen. That is also if they are overwatering a specific land area. They can purchase irrigation supplies –

The analysis conducted will recommend enhancement in the soil and the utilization of nanotech organic fertilizer and organic natural minerals. Data will as well be provided for food distributors and processors, banks, governments, non-government organizations, and investment funds.

Even if these technologies will bring about a brighter future of agricultural products in Thailand, these will also greatly reduce the possibilities of infection and optimization of the outcomes. There is much assurance in rice quality and avoidance of mistakes, too!




One thought on “Seeing the Brighter Future of Agriculture in Thailand

  1. Veronika says:

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