Category Archives: Legal

How To Financially Plan For Divorce

Divorce can be a sensitive topic – and finances are always a sensitive topic.  Today we will tackle both.  First, I want to be clear that I don’t recommend going into a marriage planning for a divorce…  When you get married it is supposed to be forever, for better or for worse.  For many reasons,.. [Read More]

Hiring the Correct Criminal Attorney

We all hope to live our lives without any interruption whatsoever.  Sometimes, the unexpected, happens.  If that unexpected event puts you on the criminal side of a situation – you must be prepared with a good defense and criminal attorney.  But how do you find the right criminal attorney? Experience First, you need to look.. [Read More]

What Are The Different Assault And Battery Charges In Queens?

In Queens, being charged with personal assault is a very serious crime regardless of the degree that you are charged with. Depending on the egregious nature of your offense, the punishment for assault and battery can range from probation to jail time. Because most assault and battery cases are felony charges, if you want to.. [Read More]

What To Do If You Think Your Motorcycle Helmet Didn’t Protect You In An Accident

Motorcycle accidents have the potential to cause serious harm to the rider. In most states, there are helmet laws in place to protect motorcyclists from severe injuries, but the problem is that although a helmet can help in some instances, they are typically not sufficient to save a motorcyclist from brain injury. If you were.. [Read More]