Tag Archives: Life Insurance

How to Provide For Your Loved Ones After You Die

How to Provide For Your Loved Ones After You Die

Everyone dies. It is a natural part of life, and is not something to be feared. And when your time comes, you want to die peacefully, knowing that your family will be safe and secure for years to come. It’s important to ensure that they are provided for, and will be financially secure as your.. [Read More]

A Beginner’s Guide to Corporate-Owned Life Insurance

A Beginner’s Guide to Corporate-Owned Life Insurance

Corporate-owned life insurance, also known as business-owned life insurance or simply COLI, is a type of life insurance policy that is owned and funded by a company rather than an individual. It’s typically used to protect the company’s financial interests in the event of the death of key employees, executives, or shareholders. A brief overview.. [Read More]

The Cost of Death For Families

This is a sponsored post with Jenny Life Insurance and BraVoMark. All opinions are mine. Sadly we have become very intimately knowledgable about the cost of death and dying for family members.  In the last year I have lost my father and my husband just lost his father a week ago.  We lost our grandparents with the same timing quite.. [Read More]

What About The What Ifs? #JennyLife #ad

This is a sponsored post with Jenny Life Insurance and BraVoMark. All opinions are mine. When I was a teenager, none of us even gave a thought to being mortal.  Although I was very much a rule follower, many of my peers weren’t and as a result they thought they were invincible.  Unfortunately, some of them never made it.. [Read More]

4 Questions You Must Ask Before Selecting Life Insurance

So you want to do the smart—and right—thing. The modern world now allows you to look after your loved ones, even after you’ve passed away. And yes, it’s the right thing to put this in place. Your family deserves it. But picking a policy can create more problems than it being a blessing if don’t.. [Read More]