Aliens Ate My Homework is a suspenseful family comedy which follows the adventures of sixth-grader Rod Allbright (Greig) and the extraterrestrial lawmen known as the Galactic Patrol. When a tiny spaceship flies through his window and lands on his science project, Rod and his cousin Elspeth (McNamara) meet a group of friendly aliens, including Phil, a talking plant (voiced by William Shatner). The earthlings quickly join the aliens’ adventurous mission to help defeat an evil alien criminal. After discovering the evil alien is disguised as a human – someone he knows all too well – Rod and Elspeth race to save the world from total planetary disaster.
BONUS FEATURES on DVD and digital
- Not of This World: Creating Alien Life Forms – A look at creating some of the film’s Alien characters, showcasing the work of Emmy-winning visual effects maestro Todd Masters and his creature effects team. Viewers will get a peek at what it takes to bring the creatures to life on-set through the magic of prosthetic make-up, as well as practical effects techniques like oversized sets and puppetry.
- Aliens Ate My Homework: From Page to Screen – This piece will give viewers a peek at the process of turning the novel into a film – from concept to production and visual effects. Featuring behind the scenes footage plus interviews with the cast, filmmakers, and author Bruce Coville.
- On the Set with Bruce Coville – The beloved author gives viewers a peek at life on the set of Aliens Ate My Homework while providing details on the origins of the Galactic Patrol book series.
- The Galactic Patrol Wants You! – A closer look at the members of the Galactic Patrol featuring Grakker, Madame Pong, Rod Allbright, Elspeth, and Phillogenous Esk Piemondum, aka Phil. In this featurette, the intrepid crew of the Starship Ferkel will reveal details on their current mission and will inform viewers on what it takes to become a member of the Galactic Patrol.