What do Toyota and Google have in common? An all-inclusive “culture of innovation,” in which every employee is responsible for coming up with ideas to make the company more successful.
Do you want your employees to be responsible for innovation as well? Do you believe that is possible? It absolutely is possible, and in The Bright Idea Box, technology executive and corporate consultant, Jag Randhawa, will show you how.
The Bright Idea Box introduces a six-step formula for creating a bottom-up innovation program. By reading this book, you will discover how introducing the Bright Idea Box program to your employees will:
• encourage employees to generate ideas that add value to the company and customers
• tap into employees’ inner desires to do meaningful work, be part of something bigger, and be appreciated for their efforts
• increase employee engagement, productivity, efficiencies, and customer satisfaction
• create a stunning and lasting impact on your business performance
Begin to make it happen by reading The Bright Idea Box.
This book embodies Jag’s passion for humanity and improving lives of billions of disengaged employees who don’t get the opportunity to demonstrate their talents. Employee disengagement is a modern plague that is suffocating our society. The Bright Idea Box presents a simple solution to re-engage employees and improve business results at the same time.
About the Author
Jag is the mastermind behind the MASTER innovation program and the founder of Idea Employee Labs, a management consulting company. Jag shares a deep passion for humanity and a desire to make a difference in the world.
Born and raised on a farm in rural India, Jag developed a sense of appreciation for doing the best with what you have, which translated well into the corporate world. Jag started programming in his early teen years and got a full-time job as an engineer at age seventeen after completing his diploma in Electronics and Communications Engineering. Subsequently, Jag obtained a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, but his thirst for continuous learning extends from neuroscience to Zen philosophies.
Jag lives in the San Francisco Bay area with his wife, a neuroscientist, and two daughters, whose smiles can melt anyone’s heart.
I have read many books that speak about motivating employees, empowering them, connecting with them etc… But they all seem to be lacking “something”. That extra edge. I am sure I will re-read this when I have even more time but for now the author touches on some excellent ideas such as really valuing your employees. In this book he not only provides examples and suggestions but also asks you questions to help reflect and personalize some of the information. I work in education and we need innovation and employee engagement just as much as any other business – in fact probably even more with how much we are expected to do to meet the needs of children. It isn’t just about education anymore – it is about making sure they have food, clothes, medical care, making sure they are safe and then and only then can we educate them. Excellent book and many ideas to ponder…
I received this book in exchange for an honest review.