Why Your Hair Is Thinning and How to Deal With It
It’s normal to lose up to 100 strands of hair a day. If you don’t regrow that hair, though, you may end up with thin patches or baldness. Many people know that it’s normal for men to lose their hair. It’s also a common problem for women. Approximately 33 percent of women will experience hair loss problems in their lifetime.
You Could Blame Your Genes
For some women, hair loss and thinning are hereditary. You’re more likely to develop female pattern baldness after menopause. If you’re experiencing this problem, you might start losing more than 100 hairs a day, and growth will decelerate. The thinning may begin at your part and gradually spread over the entire scalp.
Hormonal Imbalances Can Cause Hair Loss
An underlying condition that affects your hormones can make you lose your hair. That’s one reason that women experience hair loss during menopause. If you’re not going through menopause but have other symptoms of an endocrine condition, such as fatigue, irregular periods, acne or an increase in body hair, check with your doctor to learn whether this may be contributing to female pattern baldness.
Are You Under Intense Stress?
Extreme physical and mental stress could contribute to hair loss. A restrictive diet, traumatic experience, nutritional deficiency or disease can raise the levels of male hormones in your system. These hormones can make your hair fall out.
How to Treat Female Hair Loss
If you’re losing your hair, consult with your physician to determine the cause. A nutritional deficiency can be corrected by eating the right foods and taking supplements. A hormone imbalance may be treated with medication.
For women who experience normal age-related thinning, changing their styling routine can prevent further breakage. Limiting the use of heating tools and avoiding tight hairstyles can diminish stress on the strands.
When you aren’t getting results from lifestyle changes, medication or natural treatments, you might want to consider a hair transplant for women. This procedure involves replacing dysfunctional hair follicles with healthy ones that are genetically programmed to grow hair. You’ll grow back your own hair and get natural-looking coverage.
Interesting how many factors may affect hair loss. I was surprised that stress, a restrictive diet, or nutritional deficit may also contribute to hair loss
This is something that I really need to do as my hair is so thin. I have been trying not to wash and blow dry it so much, but think it could be from my mum! Thank you for your advice.
I think stress is the major cause nowadays. It is a great analysis I must say. I think there are many diy we can try at home.
So glad I read this. Thinning hair is what my future problems look like.
Thank you for sharing…. I recently had issues with hair loss but it seems to have stopped. I think it was due to a massive change in lifestyle…. to a much healthier lifestyle. Tanks for sharing… very informative.
Wow, thank you for sharing. I had no idea that so many things could be causing this issue.
Hair loss is hard to deal with, especially as a woman. I find that adding collagen to my diet, in addition to eating better has helped reduce any loss I was experiencing.
I have definitely had some hair loss related to hormones. It is hard to always change up hair styles.