So you joined a network marketing company because you want to work from home… Network marketing can be a tremendous opportunity with some real success while still affording you an opportunity to be there for your children and your family while at the same time – creating some financial freedom. I am an Independent Business.. [Read More]
Category Archives: Business
The first career path you choose isn’t always the one that suits you perfectly. There are so many reasons why you may be in the wrong profession. You may not like the work environment, the current career may not suit your passion, or you can be in a career that you really don’t like for.. [Read More]
I have been blogging for 8 years now. Hard to believe it has been that long. The first three years were mostly just a way to chronicle the activities of our family – primarily involving my children and I. We wrote about our crafts, lessons, recycling/upcycling projects and more. After about three years I started.. [Read More]
As mind map like chad kimball maps draws the whole picture of the project in your mind, likewise SEO or Search engine optimization does same. As regarded as misinterpreted and misunderstood term by everyone, SEO must be understand to the fullest. It is most amazing tool in the internet world for the success of your.. [Read More]
Everyone is familiar with crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter or Indiegogo. They have helped to raise financing for numerous companies and startups that have by now created world famous brands and products. All of that was made possible thanks to thousands of individual private investors. Over the recent years, we can see an increasing trend.. [Read More]
I have been looking for some time for a planner/journal to help with all the chaos in my life. Seriously – a calendar was just not going to do. I tried blank notepads and that was just too freeform leaving me not ever writing in it. What is so chaotic in my life? Well, I.. [Read More]
So you want to be a consultant… What a great idea. Like anything though you need to have an idea where to begin. What is a consultant? Very simply – a consultant is a person who supply expert advice and assistance. What will you be a consultant for? Consultants are often sought after because there.. [Read More]
So you done all the work – or at least you think you have. You have gone to school, and more school, and more school. Then you sat for the Bar Exam and passed and are now a litigation attorney Newport Beach! Now you can sit back and relax – you naively think the customers.. [Read More]
Launching an online business on a website like e-commerce is quite easy. But it also comes with some challenges such as the conversion rate. The conversion rate is the primary determinants of the existence of the business. If your website is not based on converting the visitors to paying customers or even generate sales leads,.. [Read More]
Successful Entrepreneurs… …Create Vision and Goals They know the path they want to follow. Their success is measurable and their goals require 110% to reach them. …Are Excited They are optimistic and look forward to every milestone and achievement. …Keep Focused Every day is a new challenge and successful entrepreneurs maintain their focus and stay.. [Read More]