In the Beginning Boy have I got a story for you. This fella is our 15 year old son. He has autism among some other issues and it has impacted his life and all of our lives dramatically. So let me tell you his (our) story. Anthony is adopted and at the.. [Read More]
Category Archives: Health and Wellness
How to Get a Restful Night’s Sleep with a Brand New Baby By Kathleen Tomes, President of Brilliant Products Intl. More babies are born in August than any other month of the year. Experts attribute this end of summer baby boom to the year before when cold winter temperatures naturally kept people inside. Then.. [Read More]
Summertime Activities Summertime evokes images of sunny days and leisure. For many children, school is on break, and the ample good weather makes for perfect trips to anywhere that is not within the confines of a home’s walls. While people often dream about summer vacation, it’s just as easy to get flustered in deciding.. [Read More]
This post contains affiliate links We have always been a family who has loved protein powders – sort of! You know, we love the convenience of them, the ability to add protein into our day, and hopefully the flavor. But I swear we have spent a small fortune on protein powders that we just.. [Read More]
This post contains affiliate links In thе history of fіtnеѕѕ and аеrоbісѕ, еllірtісаl mасhіnеѕ аrе thе оnlу aerobic рrоduсtѕ that mаdе a brеаkthrоugh. Almоѕt all gуmѕ, fitness сlubѕ аnd еvеn hоmеѕ have already асԛuіrеd thеіr оwn еllірtісаl mасhіnеѕ. Whеthеr уоu are аn athlete trуіng tо mаіntаіn оr іmрrоvе on уоur аеrоbіс сарасіtу or ѕіmрlу.. [Read More]
This post was sponsored by Nature Made® as a part of a Blog Blast for Influence Central. When I am running crazy between work, the kids, the barn and appointments – I really need some assistance to keep my digestion regular. There is no doubt Fiber helps and I turn to NatureMade® every time… [Read More]
My husband and I spend a great deal of time at work – we are both administrators in public school districts. He is on his feet and active much more than I – as a Business Administrator I am at my desk alot. Our schedules are demanding and we work alot of hours… [Read More]
I am a huge supporter of Tele-Health services. I have used them throughout the last two years for one thing or another. Throughout that time I have been a huge fan of Amwell and it has made a huge difference in the care for our family. When it comes to being sick I totally love.. [Read More]
Keeping yourself and your family healthy is one of the top priorities throughout life. That means having the proper insurance to protect your family in regards to health care. Dental care especially is often overlooked or brushed off an unimportant. Many do not understand that dental care is more than just keeping your teeth.. [Read More]
It is three am and your alarm goes off and your morning is about to begin. With the New Year’s resolutions in full swing you are trying to follow suit with the most common and most needed transformation of our day and age. What else could this be other than losing some unwanted weight… [Read More]